Tuesday, January 17, 2012

"Talk to each other like you are talking to Jesus"

A few things I should just comment on really quickly, I don't have a lot of time to blog. I sometimes hardly have time to breathe or even take a shower (Comment if you can think of when the last time was you took a shower :P) Anyway, I type like I talk. I will probably have TERRIBLE GRAMMAR and I AM SO SORRY for that! Seriously, its not intentional and I am sure if I went back and re-read what I wrote it wouldn't be as awful but the chances of that happening are slim to none. Please feel free to comment if its just absolutely killing you and you hate to read my posts because of it. I will promise I will find an online editor.

I am posting a picture of Magnus. I love him and you should too. I also hate posting with out posting a picture, it bugs me and haunts me. So here he is. Ps if you need a rocking photographer check me out HERE. I am awesome. 

Let me address my post title. Today, I had a house full of boys and it was busy. (If you have boys, or are having a boy plan on getting yourself a train table it is absolutely the best investment I have ever made) They were entertained ALL MORNING by the train table and it encompasses all ages which is another reason I love it. Granted we are going to use an air gun to nail down our track and trains because well its just a hot mess every night and the Mac Daddy aka my husband is getting really tired of putting it back together so I gave in and told him he can nail the bad boy down. Totally off topic. I heard from a person on THE TALK (which if you are looking for a show to fill your soul at 1pm weekdays you should totally check it out) anyway she said something along the lines of "I talk to people like I am talking to Jesus and if I get angry and I blow up I get down and apologize right there before they have a chance to walk away" and I. can't. stop. thinking. about. it. I mean really, I can't. I am obsessed with it. What an amazing way to think about every conversation I have with someone. I am not a die hard religious freak, in fact the last time my little family of 3 stepped into a church was the day my son was baptized when he was 6 weeks old. It's not really the way I want his childhood to grow up however, I tend to work on Sundays or if I am lucky I get to sleep in! Sorry God but this mama needs to sleep! As my boys were whining and arguing I started to tell them "Let's think about this, talk to each other as if you are talking to Jesus" now these are school age kids I am talking to not my toddlers. I am not sure it made a difference for them because they aren't actually my kids but I can see myself repeating that phrase to my own little one's for years to come. I think its a good thought just to hold on to, to me it is not anything similar to those "WWJD" bracelets that were so in for a minute but really more about a conscious effort to watch my tongue. I would never tell Jesus to "eff off" nor should I tell the people I love to eff off even if I want too or mutter it under my breath. I am a work in progress and I like it that way. 

Ps I am making my first CSA fruit/vegetable purchase tonight it opens back up at 11 and I will be able to pick it up on the 25th! 

We also did Meatless Monday's, I am not sure who started it but a friend of mine on Facebook posts about it all the time! Last night I made a mac and cheese bake with black beans and sauteed onions in beef bouillon it was SO GOOD! I mean to take a picture but then I started eating it. 
On Friday I am going to be making home made bread and vanilla soy milk. Make sure you check back to see how that goes, I am hoping to get some help from my boys but as busy as they are I imagine it will be more mess than fun! But messes are fun... right?!?! Feel free to comment and let us know if you are doing the CSA too!

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