Sunday, January 15, 2012

Hey its Kate! For now we are going to try different fonts and different colors to distinguish between us til I get us a really cool blog! So just hang with us for a little bit! I have about 15 minutes before I have to bust out the door run some errands, tutor and clean my house but I wanted to tell you a little about my guy Magnus. My little guy Magnus will be two, on April 4th! It is all happening so fast and he is growing up so quickly! A few things I want to remember he did this weekend is learned to jump with both feet off the ground AND yesterday he said "I squeeze" and then said "This is hard" in regards to a potato he was trying to squeeze. Little snot. Sometimes I just don't know what to do with that kid and I know its only going to get harder as he grows up. Ahhh! Anyway, Magnus started sitting at 4 months, crawling at 6 months to the day and walking by 9 months. He could carry a gallon of milk at 10 months and could literally push anything in the world he wanted the coffee table, stools etc by 11 months, we started calling him Magnus. I know many of you reading this know his real name but I feel like with so much openess on the internet there needs to be a little bit held back and I am going to start that with my little one for his safety and protection. So last week we hadn't started Tot School officially yet but I had two very busy boys T is almost 3 and O is almost 1 and I had Magnus! Needless to say with the snow we were stuck inside and going crazy. So we did a few things to pass the time, we made chocolate chip cookies and ate them with milk fresh from the oven, I made a rice box using two bags of rice, some spoons and a plastic container and I let them go to town making a mess of it. We also played with glowsticks in the bathtub AND I made colored ice cubs with food coloring and we painted in the bathtub! They loved that it turned the water green! Oh boys... so easily amused by messing things!

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